There are a lot of loan companies out there in the big bad world, and there are also a lot of different types of loan. It can be all too easy to choose a dodgy loan company and end up owing too much money, or choosing the wrong kind of loan that doesn’t actually suit your needs. That’s why you need to do all the right research and make sure you’re well equipped to make a decision- but this is easier said than done. You don’t want to end up being one of the examples of how not to handle a loan, so make sure you do this research. That’s where Nordiclenders come into the equation, and they believe they’ve found one of the best kinds of loans for you; a flex account. But who are Nordiclenders, and what is a flex account? Don’t worry, we’re here to explain it all.
So what is Nordiclenders? More or less, it’s an online website that was designed to compare different loan companies in two Nordic countries: Sweden and Finland. There are two versions of the site (one for each of these countries) which have gathered data on over 50 different loan companies in these nations, offering a great deal of insight into so many different institutions.
The site compares a lot of different aspects of loan companies, including the minimum age for taking out loans, minimum and maximum loan amounts, required credit scores and interest rates for each individual site. This data allows you to make a well-educated decision over what company you’ll use to take out your loan.
This isn’t all they offer, however. Nordiclenders also offer advice on and information about Nordiclenders flex accounts. But just what are these? More or less, they’re a short-term loan which are really easy to use and manage, and aren’t nearly as complicated as a lot of other kinds of loans. There are a lot of positives to using them, which we’ll discuss in later paragraphs.
These flex loans are usually between 1000-2000 euros, meaning you can’t go too overboard with them. This is a real positive for people who aren’t sure how much money they should borrow- there tends to be a limit with these kinds of loans and you therefore have a limited choice. You can withdraw this money whenever you need it, meaning it’s up to you to decide when you need it most and what you’ll need it for.
When you purchase one of these loans, you then gain access to a credit line which works in a similar way to a credit card. You don’t have to use all of this loan in one go, and can instead choose when you withdraw certain amounts of it. This gives you a great deal of freedom (or flexibility, hence the name) and you feel more in control of your money.
These loans tend to be paid back in flexible monthly payments which are easy enough. Each time you pay back an amount of money, this is added on to the maximum amount of money you can loan in the future. For example, if you pay back 40 euros, the next time you look to withdraw money from the credit line then you can have up to 40 euros more. This is a real positive for any kind of loan, and Nordiclenders claim this kind of loan is good for you.