The topic of skin lightening is being spoken about more and more in recent times. A lot of what you’ve heard is likely to be negative and controversial, which is understandable. You’re probably thinking about skin whitening which is a method specifically used to lighten your skin colour and is shockingly aimed at black people, hence the mass controversy. What we’re going to talk about is skin lightening which isn’t aimed at people of color but is aimed at people who are looking to treat imperfections in the face, like scarring or hyperpigmentation.
What does it do?
Skin lightening products are perfect for people who are looking to reduce certain imperfections like an uneven skin tone by reducing areas of hyperpigmentation – patches of skin that contain a surplus of melanin – and by enhancing your natural skin-tone which reduces the appearance of dullness in the skin.
Skin lightening like amaira skin lightening serum can also be used to improve the texture of your skin. It’s been proven to kill dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of black and white heads, thus reducing the overall appearance of your skin.
What are the ingredients?
A common ingredient in the creams is Hydroquinone which is actually banned in most countries particularly in the European Union due to its damaging nature. It can cause permanent damage to the skin particularly, sensitive areas.
However, there is also a lot of other ingredients that are more natural that are more suitable for sensitive skin. Citrus based products are packed with Vitamin C which naturally whitens your skin which doesn’t just lighten your skin but brightens it as well. Bearberry extract is another fantastic natural ingredient that enhances the skin naturally. It also contains natural sun protection properties and as a result, helps lower the speed of aging by helping protect you from harmful UV rays.
Aloe Vera and honey are also great natural ingredients that aid in lightening your skin, they help moisturize and correct uneven skin textures and tone.
What are the risks?
We mentioned Hydroquinone which is a risky ingredient in skin lightening products but there’s also some other risks that are involved in skin lightening.
With anything allergic reactions are possible, and skin lightening products are no exception. Watch out for burning, itchiness and a bad rash as they’re signs of an allergic reaction. Certain creams and treatments can make you hyper-sensitive to sun exposure so it’s very important that you wear sunscreen and protect yourself from the sun.
Should I use it?
Everyone’s different and there’s a lot of things to consider before you use skin lightening creams. We’ve already mentioned certain ingredients that can irritate sensitive skin and you might have an allergic reaction so it’s vital that you check the ingredients on all the skin whitening products you use. As with all these things, it’s important to speak to your doctor or a professional before you use any of these products. Just do your research and trust your gut because nine times out of ten your gut is right.