I've been asked recently whether there is a difference between the Mandela effect and manifestation–and if there is a difference, what that might be.
The short answer is: Yes, there is a difference, and it has a lot to do with conscious intent. A trending monicker for reality shifts is “Mandela Effect,” in which many people may notice changes that seemingly have nothing to do with anything anyone was consciously wishing for, whereas in the case of “instant manifestation” and quantum jumps, we're focused on a specific intention.
Mandela Effects and Reality Shifts
Mandela Effects and reality shifts often seem random and unexpected, surprising us with such things as: unexpected movie dialogue in a familiar scene, changes in writing in books we thought we knew by heart, and the occasional deceased celebrity being noticed unexpectedly alive again. In contrast, manifestation and quantum jumps typically occur after we focus on a specific desired outcome, such as locating a coveted parking spot, or suddenly feeling as if we've had enough rest after a short night's sleep of tossing and turning.
Manifestation and Quantum Jumps
In the realm of manifestation, I've reported on hundreds of experiences involving such things as: improved health, broken-down or out-of-gas cars that start, and radically improved finances and relationships. In addition to these, many of the quantum jumps shared on the realityshifters website and in my book, “Quantum Jumps” include case studies of people teleporting through dangerous situations, such as safely past oncoming vehicles or falling steel beams they seemingly have no way to avoid. One useful example of how to enjoy benefits from ‘faking it until you make it' and jumping to what feels like a parallel reality is believing you've slept well, even if you haven't. Researchers at Colorado College conducted a study demonstrating the positive effects of such placebo sleep–which is one of dozens of similar laboratory-tested, simple things you can do to quickly become smarter, stronger, more confident, in better relationships, and feeling less pain that I share in my book, Quantum Jumps.
Overlap and Commonalities
There appears to be a spectrum of continuity between the seemingly random surprises of Mandela Effects/reality shifts and consciously intended manifestation/quantum jumps, with a bit of overlap in the middle. I've experienced being part of a small group of people who start off experiencing seemingly random reality shifts / Mandela Effects, and end up witnessing what would more accurately be called quantum jumps / manifestation. These areas of overlap can be recognized when something is observed to “flip-flop” back and forth a few times before finally settling down at some point. During such flip-flops, we get a chance to consider our intentions.
As disconcerting as this experience can seem at the time, I am immensely grateful when such “flip-flops” occur, since they provide me with validation that I am, indeed, experiencing genuine shifts in reality, and not merely some kind of ‘memory glitch,' as some classical scientists and reporters assert. Furthermore, I am grateful to have what I feel to be an opportunity to make a choice between which reality I'd truly most enjoy to experience, based on which one I'm more emotionally and energetically attached to (with whatever strong feelings I may have). I do realize this is a bit like being shown two possible desserts on a tray by a waiter in a restaurant–and the one I get is the one I am most entangled with. That is the moment all my spiritual “inner work” pays off, so hopefully I don't end up with something I'm still “working through.”
And if I'm sufficiently relaxed, energized and detached, I've noticed that it seems that what gets settled on tends to be what I might ever-so-slightly prefer, so it seems to me almost as if I'm being asked by the Universe “Do you like this?” “Or how about this?” “Which one do you like better?” “Want to check it again–how about this?” “Or this?” 🙂
In the cases where no such flip-flopping occurs, the transition to a new reality can seem seamless and smooth, as if it was simply a natural progression and nothing out of the ordinary at all. I feel this is why so many people are blissfully unaware of the number of shifts they actually experience each day–simply because these shifts don't often seem exceptional, but rather are just part of the way we each experience daily life.
Significance of Numbers of Experiencers
There are those who say there is another difference between Mandela Effects and manifestation other than conscious intent, stating that Mandela effects impact many people, whereas manifestation is experienced by one person at a time.While this might seem true at first glance, my research shows that's an inaccurate oversimplification. What I’ve learned from 18 years of studying reality shifts and conducting two separate surveys in April 2000 and 2013 is that while reality shifts and Mandela Effects are often witnessed by many people, sometimes there are just a few people recognizing a particular alternate history, and sometime only one. Similarly, reports of manifestation and quantum jumps typically involve a single experiencer–though there are times when groups of people witness instantaneous shifts in reality that are greatly appreciated and had been hoped for and intended.
A Time of Global Awakening
At this time when increasing reports of Mandela Effects and reality shifts being observed, we seem to be experiencing a time of global awakening in which we are gaining a glimpse of how collective consciousness operates. Within collective consciousness, our thoughts and feelings are capable of influencing world events, and influencing the past as well as the present and future. While at first these shifts may appear random, they can provide us with awareness of how we can collectively invite positive experiences of how good things can get for everyone.
Mandela Effects / reality shifts represent a call to action for all of us to acknowledge that rather than focusing primarily on ego-satisfaction and ego-goals, we've arrived at a point when humanity as a whole is beginning to climb the steps of stages of psychosocial development, something akin to what psychologist Erik Erikson proposed for individuals. Humanity is currently in a phase something like infancy, in which we are dealing with matters of Trust VS Distrust when it comes to knowing if we can share goals and thoughts and intentions with others. This is just the first step, and it's essential that we come to a good state of awareness of how to do this in large groups of people we barely know (or perhaps don't really know at all) before we can proceed to the next step of development to something like Autonomy VS Shame and Doubt (similar to the so-called “terrible twos” that toddlers go through when they often delight in saying “No!” to everything).
For the best experiences of reality shifts and quantum jumps, I recommend remembering to keep asking, “How good can it get?”
You can watch the companion video to this blog post here:

Hi my name is kimberly i have been trying to get my theory out to somebody…i have been dealing with recieving markings on body ..theyre like greenish n defenitly made by a powerful passing.i noticed on monday that the markongd i had got a couole days before were the clouds..yesterday i had markings of the clouds today..please take me serious…i can prove it…need help asap..