Have You Ever Had A Garden Pond?
First things first: if you’ve never had a pond in your garden before, there are some things to think about. For one, a properly maintained pond increases property value and makes a general garden into something special. For another, ponds can act as a small-scale wildlife repository. However, there does tend to be a little maintenance involved.
If you’re going to get the most from your pond, you’ll want to put some thought into it. If you already have a pond, there are a few ways you might want to enhance it to switch up how it affects your garden. Here we’ll explore several suggestions of this kind to help you more efficiently and effectively upgrade your backyard garden.

1. The Advantages Of A Recessed Pond
If you don’t have a pond, you’re going to have two main choices: should you get a recessed pond that sinks into the ground, or should you get one that sits atop the earth? Each has their advantages and disadvantages. With a recessed pond, you’ll have different maintenance needs, but things will have a much more natural appearance.
With a recessed pond, you can purchase a strong-bottomed plastic shape conformed to the space you prefer, dig out around it, then install it, weighing it down with rocks around the plastic lips of the pond. You can then plant varying fruits, vegetables, or flowers right at the water’s edge.
Some plants will stretch roots right into the pond—this can be troublesome, or it can be a desired outcome. Also, you can make the pond with cement rather than a shaped plastic basin, leaving part of the soil toward the top so plants can snake in their roots. In this way a synthetic pond can appear totally organic, keeping plants nourished year-round.

2. What An Above-Ground Pond Is Like
You can move an above-ground pond wherever it suits you. That’s quite advantageous, but keep in mind, you’ll want it in a place where you don’t mind if a little water gets blown out or leaks. While you can make an above-ground pond work indoors, it makes a lot more sense to put it in the garden.
Additionally, with an above-ground pond, you’ve got two options. You can leave it appearing as it is, raised from the ground, or you can mound up soil around it. Alternatively, you can put a bunch of plants around the pond that hide the fact it’s an above-ground affair; it will all depend on what suits you, and what your existing garden looks like.
3. Making A Basic Pond Into A Babbling Fountain
Another idea is transforming an existing pond into a fine little art piece. You can easily order Submersible Pond Pumps from Aquatic Ponds. These are designed to pump water from a submerged position, allowing you to maintain a gently babbling fountain as long as you’d like.
The only difficulty here is cleaning filters—though different pump arrangements make it so you don’t have to worry about that as much in some situations as you would in others.

4. Making Your Pond An Ideal Environment For Koi
Koi live for decades, and they can get quite large. The thing about koi is, you’ve got to be sure there’s some sort of oxygenation of their environment. You’ll need some sort of fountain or other solution to keep the water fresh. Also, the size of your pond may dictate how many koi you’re able to keep there.

Reinventing Your Garden By Adding Or Upgrading A Pond
Whether you’ve already got a pond in your garden, or you’re looking to add one, there are plenty of options available, and you’ll likely be quite pleased with the result. The only difficulty is ordering and installing your pond. If you already have one, that difficulty totally disappears.
Many homeowners prefer recessed ponds that are dug into the earth, but you can make one that is atop the ground appear aesthetically pleasing, and you can even move it when such moves suit you. Also, with a fountain, your pond becomes more aesthetically pleasing, and a fine environment for fish.
Since we are presently approaching the autumnal changes in season which always come at the end of the year, now is the perfect time to reimagine your garden so it’s ready to flourish beautifully next year. Above-ground, recessed, or already existing, ponds enhance gardens and provide a lot of unique opportunities.