“Dwell on the beauty of life.
Watch the stars,
and see yourself
running with them.”
― Marcus Aurelius
We can choose to look for, find, and live in the beauty of life, despite changes and chaos. We can see beauty in reality shifts and the Mandela Effect, as these sometimes startling changes can provide us with evidence that miracles can and do happen. Since I've been researching what is now known as the Mandela Effect for over two decades, I'm contemplating, “What does the Mandela Effect mean to me?” This question is both deeply personal one and potentially world-changing, due to the widespread nature and growing popularity of the Mandela Effect. I wrote a blog post and created a YouTube video about this, including many comments I've received in response to this question this past month. I believe the Mandela Effect helps show mankind a way that together, we can collectively experience changes to our shared reality–including changes to historical events. We can experience miraculous reality shifts, quantum jumps, and timeline jumps together.
Initially, some of reality shifts I observed were oddities that other people did not necessarily also notice. Some of these early ones for me included hearing a song played on the radio ‘for the first time' that I was already weary of hearing, due to it being over-played already, in the 1970s. My friends did not know what I was talking about when I mentioned this shift to them. Since the dawn of the internet, it's become much easier to conduct surveys, as we've done since the 1990s here within the realityshifters community, learning that many celebrities are noted to be ‘alive again' after having been noted as having been reported dead through reputable media sources.
This past month, I've witnessed some reality shift doozies that have given me remarkable insights into how surprising some shifts can be:
Magically Cleaned Kitchen Floor
- I noticed my kitchen floor needed cleaning, and then I sat down to do some work on the computer. A few hours later, the kitchen floor was clean, without any person having cleaned it that day. This
- has now happened twice in the past few months, and I feel wonderfully appreciative for it having happened both times.
Disappearing/Reappearing Delicates Bag
- I found a missing ‘delicates' laundry wash bag that had gone missing a couple of months earlier—in the laundry tub of clean clothes where I would expect to find it, and where I had looked for it for weeks and months, until suddenly, there it was, as if it had always been there. This is a rather classic variety of reality shift, yet one that I was very grateful for, since I'd been missing that delicates bag for some time, and am truly thankful for its return.
I Saw a Movie that Doesn't Exist
- I was watching a DVD of the three “Pitch Perfect” movies this past month, and enjoying seeing the first movie again, which I'd seen before. I put the next disc into the DVD player, and expected to re-watch “Pitch Perfect 2,” which I remembered I'd seen before. I enjoy seeing Anna Kendrick playing the role of Beca Mitchell, and recalled that the second movie was funny and emotionally uplifting. I was surprised to see as I watched the disc that this was not the sequel I remembered having seen—this version was set in Beca's Senior year in college, making a sudden three year leap from the first film, set in her freshman year. I figured I'd made a mistake putting the disc in the machine, and I must have mistakenly put disc three in the DVD player by accident, in the dark. But when I saw Pitch Perfect 3, I realized this movie was new to me, too, and now I'd just seen two new Pitch Perfect movies, when I knew I'd seen two Pitch Perfect movies previously. The movie I remember that apparently now no longer exists (and supposedly never did) took place somewhere between Beca's sophomore and junior year, singing a capella with the Barden Bellas. My initial emotional reaction to this one was shock and some confusion, followed by disappointment that apparently I only got to see ‘the real sequel' just once, and eventually gratitude that on the bright side, I have seen four of three possible Pitch Perfect movies now.
Vitamin Order Changed
- When I went to reorder some vitamins that I've purchased with a volume discount, five bottles at a time for the last several years, I saw all my receipts show that I've only ever purchased one bottle at a time. I have a special place in my closet for the volume discount purchase overflow, and I clearly remember receiving five bottles at a time, so this was a truly bizarre reality shift, since I have so many tactile memories. I have the obvious storage area for the extra bottles that now apparently I never purchased; and I have clear memories of opening the packages of vitamin bottles—not one single bottle at a time. My emotional reaction to this shift was certainty that I know for sure that I remember having ordered five bottles at a time, since there is no other reason I would have a storage area all set up for them otherwise. My next reaction was a bit of disappointment that I'd have to find some volume discount to match the one I remember I used to have, that apparently now I've never had, followed by some relief when I found a volume discount.
Family Details in Genealogical Research Change
- One of the strangest shifts involves my having done some genealogical family research for a possible distant cousin. A few weeks ago, I'd done research on families living in Florida that I clearly remember having fully researched, documented, and jotted down. When I returned to add some further details, all of the work I'd done was completely missing, with no sign nor trace that any information had been written down. Perhaps most peculiar was the way that some of the more recent living possible relatives now had different relationships than I recalled. For example, the mother of one possible living relative now had only married twice, instead of having married many more times. The places and locations and names seemed pretty similar and mostly the same; it truly seemed I was getting a glimpse into an alternate reality where many people in family were still there, but the various relationships in that family were now significantly different. The ancestors I was tracking are not people I had ever met before, but there was something truly strange about witnessing all sorts of details now being quite different than I remembered, as well as all my genealogical research having completely vanished without any trace.
This assortment of my most noteworthy reality shifts over the course of one week in June this year illustrates the way some changes might initially seem ‘good' (such as a kitchen floor cleaning itself); some seem neutral (such as seeing a sequel to Pitch Perfect that no longer seems to exist); while others might seem ‘bad' (such as needing to redo genealogical research. Through witnessing so many details now being quite different, I can see a kind of beauty in all of these reality shifts, when I look for it. The beauty I see is that things are changing in ways that are unexpected, unpredictable, quirky, and mostly benign—meaning I feel safe, and I sense that I can trust these reality shifts and changes, whatever they may be. Most of all, I sense that there exists a hidden order, with higher levels of consciousness—mine and yours and everyone's—participating in magically co-creating this amazing world. If all of these things could change in just one week in my life, what else is possible? Certainly, quite a lot!
My favorite question, “How good can it get?” provides an open-ended invitation to feel joy in connections in every aspect of our lives. We've reliably witnessed some truly amazing reality shifts over the past twenty plus years of reporting them in RealityShifters, and any time you'd like to remind yourself of some of the remarkable changes we've witnessed, I welcome you to browse through a few issues, and restore your sense of wonder.
Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of six books, including Quantum Jumps. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia is the founder of RealityShifters, and is president of the International Mandela Effect Conference. Cynthia hosts “Living the Quantum Dream” on the DreamVisions7 radio network, and has been featured in numerous shows including Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, One World with Deepak Chopra, and BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, “How good can it get?” Subscribe to her free monthly ezine at: