Belize, Matzatlan, Crete and Morocco are just a few of the exotic places you can travel to cheaply in 2017....
Read moreDetailsJurassic Park puns aside, de-extinction’s technology involves the act of genetically engineering extinct animals. Here are five animals that have...
Read moreDetailsThe idea that the US military can vanquish the enemy with ferocious air power is certainly not new, but history...
Read moreDetailsBecause the Tesla Powerwall allows homes to run on renewable energy (regardless if the sun is shining) and, therefore, will...
Read moreDetailsAccording to Kurzweil, we live in a cybernetic society and we will eventually have computers in our brains, and machines...
Read moreDetailsTo celebrate International Women’s Day, Iceland passed a law which requires companies to pay men and women both equal and...
Read moreDetailsIt is so vital to learning about the Ego and its tricks and how to actually use it to benefit...
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