President Biden’s State of the Union address made one thing clear: war, genocide, and militarism remains the American way.
Read moreDetailsPresidential elections are a "pseudo-event" controlled by the elite. Voting alone won't fix a rigged system serving special interests over...
Read moreDetailsChaos and instability will disrupt the comfort and convenience that keeps people asleep, making it crucial to be aware and...
Read moreDetailsG. Edward Griffin reveals the shocking truth about how crises benefit the elite, the hidden agenda behind the erosion of...
Read moreDetailsDr. David Martin provides crystal clear and unmistakable evidence of the sinister plans for global genocide through an unexpected lens...
Read moreDetailsCOVID-19 was a test to see how quickly we would march in lockstep with the government’s dictates, no questions asked....
Read moreDetailsAn unofficial fourth branch of government, the Surveillance State came into being without any electoral mandate or constitutional referendum, and...
Read moreDetailsThe US bioweapons program has led to the COVID-19 pandemic and a shift towards authoritarian rule, and there is a...
Read moreDetailsLast week President Biden violated the Constitution and started a new US war on the tiny country of Yemen. US...
Read moreDetails Source: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. RFK Jr. and Dennis Prager discuss how Big Pharma’s advertising clout has given it...
Read moreDetailsDr. Anthony Fauci funneled tens of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to bioweapons research, including experiments conducted at the Wuhan...
Read moreDetailsRecent polls show that most Americans disagree with war hawk Biden. The majority of Americans oppose sending weapons to Israel.
Read moreDetailsWatch the first two volumes of COVENOM-19 series to learn all about the venom-based bioweapons being employed against humanity -...
Read moreDetailsDavid Icke: The Palestinians and the Jewish people are both pawns who are being sacrificed by a global cabal that...
Read moreDetailsCOVID Unmasked highlights key clips and quotes from the COVID-19 nightmare with narration that sparkles with irony and sarcasm — such as...
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