The Capricorn New Moon of the 11th of January is at 20 Degrees 44′.
• It also forges a delightful angle to Uranus in Taurus,.
• With Mars in Capricorn angling perfectly to Jupiter in Taurus, this is an exciting set of Earth Element influences to spark this early phase of the year.
• With Pluto inching towards its exit in Capricorn on the 21st of January, in his penultimate phase in the sign, this combination can help us to set our intentions around our worldly hopes, goals and ambitions, but also drive towards them with passion, determination and no little flair.
• The key to balancing all this potential is to blend industry with being open-minded and flexible, not easy with Taurus energies which can be resistant to change.
• And although the Moon is debilitated in Capricorn, so perhaps technically one of the weakest of the whole year, this one has the extra bonus of being helped by Mercury, the Sub Ruler of the Third Decan of Capricorn where this occurs and close to a potentially fortunate Fixed Star Dheneb.
• Join me as I explore all this, sharing the timings of the Lunation in all the major cities of the world, and also probing the event Chart, which sees a Taurus Ascendant.
• Despite the bruising times many of us have experienced with the financial crunch, an enterprising personal approach and some slightly better news in the financial sector, can give us a pep.
To help plan your progress over the next 4 Weeks please CLICK/TAP for my Deep Dive Video + your Horoscopes Forecasts All Signs, for the Sun or Ascendant.