I Ross Pittman, editor of ConciousLifeNews.com, have retracted a recent article that we re-posted (with permission) from another website, titled: “NASA Researchers Disclose the Truth About Time Travel.” It WAS posted here (the link is no longer valid):
The article implied that NASA funded research by Prof. Jack D. Scudder of the University of Iowa was the basis of fact for claims that time travel was already known to be possible, that portals in space time exist, etc.
Since the article was posted, I have reviewed Prof. Scudder's Phys. Rev.Lett.(DOI:10.1103/PhysRevL
I agree that it is irresponsible to make postings that cite factual bases without having verified them myself.
I apologize to Prof. Scudder and our readers for this error, and pledge in future to achieve a higher standard of fact checking before making new postings.
Ross Pittman