It's easy to feel bored a lot of the time. This is especially true in the current climate where many of us are still stuck at home with no sign of when we'll be able to live our lives as normal again. But the problem for a lot of people is that they just don't consider why it is that they might be bored. The truth is that there's a chance that, instead of boredom coming from the outside or from the restrictions of your life, the thing holding you back from living a more exciting and interesting life might be you. If that's the case, don't worry! Here are a few ways to break out of that rut and avoid being bored ever again!
Be spontaneous
If there's one thing that can lead people to feel bored, it's routine. Sure, routines can be great and important but they're certainly exciting or interesting. The solution is simple: break your routine. Do something spontaneous. Obviously, your ability to get out into the world might be a little bit hampered right now but you can still do spontaneous things. Call some phone chatlines, get a tattoo, take up a new hobby! It doesn't even need to be something particularly significant, as long as it's outside the realm of what you usually do on a day to day basis, it can help to bring a little bit of variety and excitement to your day.
Get out of your comfort zone
One of the most common reasons that a lot of people get stuck in their routines is that doing so is pretty comfortable. The familiar is safe and new things are scary. But the truth is that the feeling in your stomach when you're doing something that scares you is incredibly valuable! It's one of the most electrifying feelings in the world! If you start to feel as though your life is in a rut, do something that scares you! Go on a rollercoaster, skydive, sing in public! Whatever it is, you'll feel so much better if you push past that initial fear.
Make things
One of the most common reasons people end up feeling bored is that they feel like their time is being wasted. And sure, it's easy to feel that way if you spend all of your time sat in front of the TV. So why not do something more with your time. Make something. It doesn't have to be big or complicated. Heck, it doesn't even have to be good! Learn to play a song you like, paint a picture! Making something is always a more valuable use of your time than sitting around feeling bored.
The reality is that, for many people, their lives are boring because they simply don't bother to consider any possible alternative. If you're starting to feel like things are stagnating in your life, ask yourself if there are any things that you could be doing to make the most of the time that you have and make your life into something just a little more fun and dynamic.