With world governments holding public and closed door hearings to discuss UFO and UAP disclosure recently, what have we learned?
At this time of congressional hearings publicly discussing the topic of UFOs or UAPs, it seems clear that this topic is being taken seriously, yet there exists a greater need than ever before for clarity, discernment, and focus regarding what, exactly, we are acknowledging to be real and true.
Author Paola Leopizzi Harris has been conducting interviews and writing articles on books on this topic for decades, talking with some of the most authoritative and knowledgeable experts. After witnessing some amazing artifacts and technologies, Harris notes that perhaps even more important than any such physical evidence or proof are the transformative ideas that have been shared.
A New World – IF We Can Take It
In the famous interview that Harris conducted with Colonel Philip Corso, Harris inquired about a meeting that Corso had with a ship near the Trinity site that kept appearing and disappearing. Corso approached the solid vessel on a hot day–110 degrees Fahrenheit in the sun–yet the physical ship was “cool as ice right there in the desert near the Trinity site.” Corso conversed with a a being that had a glass helmet on with a a silverish band and a red jewel or sensor in the middle, who asked Corso to come aboard. Corso said,
“I know what you have done to my people.” Then like a human, I asked him, “What can you offer me?” He said, “A new world, if you can take it.” Then he asked me to shut down my radar for ten minutes. I said to myself, “If I shut my radar down, ten minutes could be an eternity.” How did that thing know that I was the only man that could give that order?”
Learning From the Past
Harris shares evidence that humans have interacted with UFOs, such as Zecharia Sitchin has shared showing that ancient Sumerians wrote the story of mankind on clay tablets some 6,000 years ago, showing they knew the sun was the center of our solar system and they knew about planets such as Pluto that have only recently in the last couple of centuries been detected by modern scientists. Evidence showing that nuclear weapons were deployed in 2024 B.C. raises questions that Sitchin asked, such as:
“Is Man born a warrior, or did someone teach us to make war? The answer is the latter. Before the wars of man, there were the Wars of the Gods. Specifically, it was during the conflict between Horus and Seth, according to unambiguous Egyptian texts, that humans were given arms and enlisted to fight, on the side of Horus, at that time. And so, it was that in the conflict between the two clans of Anunnaki nuclear weapons were used to wipe out the spaceport in the Sinai (an event reflected in the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah), there was, before that, an international war related to the spaceport (the so-called “war of the Kings” in Genesis chapter 14). The nuclear cloud from the explosion in the Sinai was carried by the winds eastward to Mesopotamia, and numerous Lamentation Texts describe how the Evil Wind, the nuclear cloud, killed all life in Sumer.”
Awakening To Our Soul's Purpose
Dr. Leo Sprinkle captures some of the feeling that many of us (myself included) have had when witnessing UFOs and interdimensional beings in the sky, in our dreams, and in our daydreams. Sprinkle points out that these interactions influence on two levels–as individuals, and on a societal level. Sprinkle says:
“Many people go through this fear and this doubt, because, not only are they coming in contact with extraterrestrials, which is a shock–but also, they are coming in contact with their own soul's purpose, which is a bear! It is beastly to know that we are here for a high purpose to help ourselves, to help humanity get through this stage in which the Earth is going through some changes. Humanity itself is going through some changes. The outcome, if it's successful, could lead into our being inducted into a confederation of civilizations of other cultures.”
Government Agreements and Disclosure
Dr. Steven Greer approaches the topic of government knowledge and disclosure of knowledge of UFOs with delicate diplomacy, when Harris inquires whether there is a cosmic federation which has established relations with certain government leaders, requesting to be here on Earth:
“This is a subject which must be approached with caution. I believe there were meetings similar to what you describe, but we subsequently betrayed the ETs. And that's not all. The so-called “Extraterrestrial Federation” was, and is, being targeted by bombs and weapons used to track them down and kill them. Basically, if we believe that ETs are collaborating with the military, it's because the military has craft similar to alien craft.”
Sergeant Clifford Stone shared insights gleaned from meeting extraterrestrials, indicating that 57 different races have been been identified. Stone pointed out that governments are focused on national security, military applications, and new technology, with everything else being secondary. Harris replied, “In other words, the government gets everything it can out of this contact. In the meantime, no one worries about interior development or the spiritual side of the UFO presence.” Stone replied:
“Absolutely. They don't give it a thought. But in reality, the spiritual aspect of the UFO phenomenon must be given the utmost consideration.”
Pivotal moments and meaningful coincidences
Paola Harris describes numerous remarkable meaningful coincidences and alignment of events in “Connecting the Dots” that highlight the deeply interconnected nature of this phenomena that operates much more deeply than at surface levels. Harris specifically notes the August 1987 Harmonic Convergence organized by Jose Arguelles was initiated in advance of the coming of long-prophesied transformational times in order to positively influence the Earth and all of humanity at that time and going forward.
Global Human Mind Redesign
I had an extraordinary series of daily interdimensional encounters in 1987, after the Harmonic Convergence. This was at a time when I was employed by day as a project manager working at Citibank in the Information Technology division, and working 10 hour days. In a lucid dream, I was interviewed for a job I never applied for by a tall humanoid being who first simply requested that I select the “best head of lettuce” from a vegetable stand. I selected the one that energetically shone most brightly, and apparently this was all that was required for me to pass this test. I was then escorted into a large auditorium where hundreds of beings were already seated, for a presentation on the project I was invited to join–a Global Human Mind Redesign project.
The goal of this project was to make available to humanity new ways of thinking that would continue to expand human creativity and empathy via shared awareness, while not exacerbating craziness or any forms of insanity. Many teams of extraterrestrials would be submitting their proposed design concepts, and I was part of the review Quality Assurance team who would personally try out each of these designs, and provide feedback, with veto power. I was to give all feedback directly to the team members who presented these designs, in order that they could learn and perhaps incorporate this information for future efforts.
The dual goals of increased empathy with improved creativity presented some interesting designs, and they were remarkably varied. Empathy could be greatly enhanced via hive-mind like qualities, but employing such interchangeable elements typically reduced access to inspiration we know to be so priceless in creativity. During a period of two to three weeks, every night when I went to sleep I would awaken within my dreams, and find myself continuing my essential role in this “Global Human Mind Redesign” project. When the designs presented to me were clearly wonderful and obviously fun to embody, I was happy to share such good news with the extraterrestrial design teams.
When the designs were clearly not acceptable because they would obviously lead whoever was stuck with that mind design into some kind of depression or other forms of insanity, I was not so happy to be the bearer of bad news that this particular design in question was a no-go, and I was stopping it from being employed. The extraterrestrials who came up with the designs I liked tended to be humanoids with very loving demeanor and the kind of folks I'd be happy to hang out with–whereas the extraterrestrials I was delivering the bad news to tended to be very different from humans, such as large, serious reptiles or insectoids. I was further disturbed to note that some of these unaccepted designs belonged to teams that were clearly at war with others, which surprised me, since I would have expected everyone working on the Global Human Mind Redesign project to be peaceful, loving, and kind. Clearly these teams were still engaged in working some of these social issues out.
When my time on the project wrapped up, I was relieved and rather alarmed that I'd been spending the past few weeks on spaceships just above my house and working with so many aliens. I told my husband about all this, and when he asked where I'd been going, all I could do was point up in the dark early morning sky and say, “The ships are invisible, but they are there, and they are quite large.” I was emotionally drained and rattled at the time by this experience. A few years later, I heard about new terms for “Crystal,” “Indigo” and “Rainbow” children, who have been noted for tapping into internal wisdom and knowledge. These Starseed individuals are now adults who are capable of making the best of these transformational times.
Expanding Our Worldview
We humans have reached a time when we can experience remarkable synchronicity, and meaningful coincidences individually and together, as we witness how there appears to be much more to reality than what most of us were taught in school. We can glean revelations of a brand new world view, and begin to appreciate such things as the reality of ideas, and our own free will to choose which ideas we bring into ourselves, and into the world.
Harris, Paola Leopizzi, Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO Phenomenon. 2023.
Vallee, Jacques and Harris, Paola Leopizzi, Trinity: The Best-Kept Secret. 2021.