As soon as you get to college, many things may not go as you have planned. A roommate may be the most scandalous person on Earth, and your favorite subject may get tougher day after day. So, not to fall in despair when seeing your plans and expectations being ruined, you should keep some goals in mind. Here is a brief survival guide we have prepared for you not to fall prey to the crazy tempo of college life.
#1 Coordinate
Most first-year students coming to college are obsessed with studies. Of course, it is OK to want to receive the dream diploma, but don’t forget that studies are not the end – they are only a means of getting to the vital point of graduation and later successful employment. So, make sure to toss some social events and activities in between studies. This practice will help you avoid isolation and fixation on education, thus allowing you to live a whole, exciting college life.
#2 Delegate
Don’t try to figure out some stupid excuses for your homework lateness or failure to submit an assignment. Your professor has undoubtedly heard all the lame excuses students have figured out through the years, so yours will cause nothing but irritation. If you see that you can’t complete homework on time, it’s better to delegate the task to experts who do essays for money than to feel awkward at your next class.
#3 Be Open to Changes
Flexibility is everything once you get to college. Just keep in mind that things will never go as planned, and you’re sure to come across numerous challenges and surprises within your first weeks and months of studies. Don’t get stuck on the unexpected challenge; think of how to deal with it, change the circumstances if you can, or somehow adapt to those circumstances. In any situation that puzzles or upsets you, think of the larger goal – your diploma. It will help you manage the daily routines and minor challenges as just a couple of stepping stones to a higher goal.
#4 Exercise Moderation
We are all personalities with specific political, religious, ethical, and moral views. Students get too agitated about arguing these views in class, leading to more significant confrontation instead of persuasion. This may be explained by the fact that we all hold our views dear, and we are not ready to adopt an alternative viewpoint too quickly. So, such arguments usually lead to nothing but frustration and conflict. Therefore, our recommendation is to avoid discussing such sensitive subjects if you’re not ready to embrace other views respectfully.
#5 Don’t Forget About Your Body
Studies are good for your mind, but your body may feel abandoned if you spend hours sitting at the lectures and then at the library. So, don’t forget about all aspects of health, as your intellectual productivity depends directly on your physique. Schedule yoga classes or morning jogging sessions into your study schedule to feel more active and revived. Such physical activity breaks will give your brain additional energy, helping it to solve complex study problems much quicker.
#6 Be Respectful
Once you come to college, you’ll need some time to grasp the institution’s rules. Don’t try to change or challenge them; they’ve been there for decades before you. So, it’s vital to be alert to rules and cultural issues not to seem ignorant or rude. Some examples include silence rules at the library or in the dorm, respectful attitude to your professors, and respect for campus hours.
#7 Focus on Your Goal
College life is exciting and vibrant in all senses. You’ll meet many new people, will join some interest clubs, will probably find a boyfriend/girlfriend, and will enjoy the fun and joy of study years between lectures and exams. But don’t immerse in the social activities too deeply as college is primarily about studies and getting a diploma. If you don’t submit assignments on time or fail a couple of exams, parties and romantic pastimes may end with a college expulsion. So, try to balance your social life, sports activities, part-time job, and whatever else you have on your plate with effective studies and regular class attendance. All these components make up a formula of ideal college life.
#8 Be Autonomous
The greatest disenchantment of first-year college students is the lack of control they have there. On the one hand, it is the sweet flavor of freedom that makes you happy; on the other hand, you need to exercise self-control and plan your schedule without the tight control of parents or teachers. Without self-management and scheduling skills, you may quickly fall behind all schedules, failing a course. So, get ready for the college years by honing your time management and organization skills – your primary survival kit in college.
College Is Not a Battlefield
As you can see, college routines may turn into an unpleasant surprise for some freshmen. But keep in mind that it’s not a battlefield. You’ll quickly adjust and start enjoying your college years if you’re open-minded, attentive, flexible, and organized. So, get ready by planning ahead and setting ambitious goals – it’s all doable.