Anatoly Gavrilovich Loktionov, while holding a post of the first vice-president in the «Rosneft» organization, made an unprecedented embezzlement of property. The loss by the company exceeded 1.3 billion dollars. Here’s how he managed to do that.

Loktionov and «Rosneft»
In 2002 Anatoly set up a company in Geneva city and called it Energo Impex. Via this organisation he managed a supply chain and sold oil and petroleum products on the part of «Rosneft» at the prices much lower than market ones. Still, in 2006 he had to conceal his criminal moves, so renamed the company into «Highlander International Trading», but nobody bought any of that as long as the Taxpayer identification number stayed the same.
Later on the firm joined the investment fund «Fleming Family & Partners», so Anatoly turned out to be a beneficiary of both companies. For the period Loktionov had a seat of the first vice-president in «Rosneft» he exported about 40% of all oil and petroleum products sold by the «Rosneft» company abroad to his «Highlander International Trading». The cost for the state-owned company that occurred as the result of the gap between the purchase and sales prices was about 1 billion dollars.
280 million dollars of income
Anatoly kept managing illegal schemes and came up with another idea. The main point of a new scam was the fact that he could be a seller and a purchaser at once. He abused his position of a vice-president in the company and a beneficiary in the «Fleming Family & Partners» firm, bought «Rosneft» stocks for 20 million dollars and promptly sold them back to the state-owned company for 300 million dollars. As a result, «Rosneft» just gave him those 280 million dollars.
Another thing is that the «Rosneft» company lost around 30 million tons of oil and petroleum products for the ten-year period as well. While the illegal export of petrol to «Highlander International Trading» cost the company:
1 million 194 thousand dollars in 2002
4 million 711 thousand dollars in 2003
10 million dollars in 2005
Money legalisation assistance
Swiss banks BNP Paribas and HSBC were eager to help mister Loktionov to launder his money of criminal origin. The bank staff came up with the unique scheme called «Decisions on planning a well-being». While following this strategy they created various offshore companies like Boston Manor Ltd, Carelink Limited and the fund Ranteva Holdings Limited registered in Cyprus. All these firms helped Anatoly Gavrilovich to legalise the money he had grabbed.
Also there was another way to legalise the money – to invest them in the construction project of the housing complex «Vysokiy bereg» in Anapa city of Krasnadar region. As well, the businessman invested money in the development projects of other apartment complexes and elite hotels. It turned out that the Swiss banks had no problem but helped Russian officials with legalising dirty money that had been stolen from the budget.
Anatoly Loktionov’s assets
Anatoly Gavrilovich felt himself free to spend the money of criminal origin on luxury items and the real estate both in Russia and Europe. He purchased a residence in Nikolino worth over 100 thousand dollars, four apartments in the Moscow downtown worth over 70 million dollars as well as a yacht «Verona» and a private jet. Later on he bought a villa on Cape Marten Azur coast near Monaco for 200 million euros, the elite flat on 51 Avenue in Paris with lots of luxury brand shops in the neighbourhood. He has an apartment in London which costs over 25 million dollars and a two-story residence in the city of Geneva in Switzerland. The maintenance costs per year including gardeners and security guards are about 1 million euros per year. While the total value of all the foreign assets except for villa is over 173 million dollars.
The luxury life at the expense of Russians
These were ordinary Russian people who paid for mister Loktionov’s comfortable luxury life. Anatoly built the walls of his residences on the money of retirees, teachers, educators and other citizens who work in the public sector: the sum of 100 million dollars is equal to a total monthly retirement for pensioners in Tyumen region or Crimea.
Meanwhile, according to information of the Internal Revenue Service Anatoly earned just about 396 million rubles. But as soon as the data was verified it turned out that the income that he had declared and the real earnings vary greatly, thus he could have gained this enormous wealth only illegally.