Pictures of colorful bath bombs you Google always inspire you to try some bath bomb recipes at home. There are many ways you can experiment with the scents and colors to make custom, fizzy bath bombs. Ingredients used in some bath bomb recipes already there in your kitchen. So, all you need is instructions and bath bomb molds. If you just want to see if you can be a bath bomb DIY guy or not, start small. And, you don't even need to shop for bath bomb molds. Why spend big bucks when you just want to see whether you will have lush bath bombs at the end or just a mess?
You can find or make unique bath bombs for free without going anywhere. So, let’s see the 6 household items you can use to mold bombs at home.
Ice Cube Trays
Ice trays make perfect molds for bath bombs. We all have more than one ice cube trays at home. So, you can easily make dozens of bombs using these trays. Make your mixture, pour into the trays and press to smooth and flatten out the top. Follow the recipe instructions to dry the mixture and then unmold your bombs. Dozens of bath bombs are ready.
Cookie Cutters
Got some cookie cutters of cool shapes at home? Prepare your mixture, and press the mixture into the cookie cutter of your desired shape. Make sure that it is nice and full. Fill to the top and smooth to level. Be gentle while removing the cookie cutter and follow the recipe instructions to dry. Use cookie cutters of different shapes if you want to make themed bath bombs for a special occasion.
Measuring Cups
Even if you don't love cooking, you do have measuring cups in your kitchen. You can use small measuring cups as bath bomb molds. ¼ cup and ⅓ cup are perfect for making bath fizzies and bath bombs. Pour mixture into the cups and level off. Press firmly, turn the cup over and tap to remove. Leave to dry out as per the time specified in the recipe instructions.
Milk Caps And Beverage Caps
Beverage caps are of great use for making small bath melts and shower fizzies. Rinse lids and pack the mixture in. Level off the mixture, turn over the lid and gently remove. Let it dry and pack.
Muffin Tins
You can use regular or mini muffin tins as bath bombs. In fact, you can use muffin tins of any size you wish. Silicone and metal muffin tins are perfect for the job. These tins allow you to make as many as a dozen at a time. Make the mixture and pack it. Level off, turn over and gently unmold. Follow the recipe instructions to dry.
Your Own Hands
You can use your own hands to make bath bombs. The only thing you need is gloves to prevent sticking and protect your hands. Roll the mixture to make a ball into your hands. It will be a fragile bomb. Place the ball on a cookie sheet and dry it out for a day or as mentioned in the recipe instructions. After 24 hours, your bath bomb is ready to use. You don't need bath bomb molds.