In my last blog I discussed (or perhaps better phrased, ‘ranted’) about how we need to claim our sovereignty (you can read it HERE). I thought it apt to outline today 5 ways to do this.
“It is the nature of the self to manifest itself, In every atom slumbers the might of the self.” — Muhammad Iqbal
Upgrading to High Definition
Can some of you stretch your minds back to the days of reel-to-reel movies?
Then there was a brand new evolution called videos (VHS and Betamax — okay, who of you remember Beta? Lol).
Then came the computer-in-every-home age and we were introduced to CD’s and that wonder, the DVD. Now we’re progressively fine-tuning and coming up with even greater ways to clarify the ‘picture’ with our HD screens and BluRay discs.
Hell, it’s getting so microcosm now that we are just carrying our flash drives in our pockets and file-sharing all over the place! Soon enough we’ll just be downloading it into our brains straight from the ether.
Where am I going with this?
Oh yes…
We use all these spectacular ‘inventions’ to grapple with an even finer concept — ourselves.
You — The Immortal Hard Drive
So, by now (and if you have been following my blogs or read any of my books), you’ll have probably got your heads around the fact that you are divine/God/source (or whatever else you want to call that infinite one).
This ‘body’ is not you, it’s the consciousness in the drivers seat (brain) that is in control and your biological system is tantamount to a computer hard-drive where all your information is stored.
So, why not upgrade your system to work in prime condition?
Here are a few tips on how to start rewiring your brain via conscious thought command to get the most out of your life and body:
- Declare every day that you are sovereign. That you govern your own existence and you are a being of freewill and choice (you are now setting the stage or wiping the slate clean, so to speak).
- State each morning what you expect to get out of this day. You came here to experience joy (rooted in love — all that there really is) so make damn sure that’s on the menu each day. Remember to review your day to check in to see if you’ve given yourself time to experience bliss and if not, get cracking!
- State that if you do have something ‘unpleasant’ to do that it will go smoothly and easily and you will flow with the energy to take you to the conclusion that is the most beneficial for your path. Keep your inner eye focused on the outcome you want to manifest.
- Take 2-3 minutes in the morning (perhaps while you are still lying in bed) to declare that your body is working on optimum prime! You are 100% healthy (try to feel every cell in your body tingle and send each cell love and appreciation) and you are going to honour this awesome biological system by only eating and drinking what the body asks for and not what your mind has been ‘programmed’ to crave.
- At the end of the day remind yourself that you are the co-creator of your existence in this dimension and realign yourself to your goals and what you still want to experience. Thy will be done!
I hope this helps you to truly start to embody your sacred self.
Start getting used to the fact that you are powerful because we are only starting to come online to our innate mastery.
Books by this author include: