Running a marathon is no easy task, but it's one that lots of people attempt. In the last ten years, marathon participation has grown by almost 50%. If you have a friend or family member who's planning on running a marathon, you'll be amazed by how much your support will help them get through it. It goes without saying that marathons are long and lonely affairs for the runners. Nevertheless, showing up and showing your support will have a significant impact on your friend's state of mind. Here are five tips on unusual ways to go the extra mile as a supporter.
1. Make a personalized sign.
The best way to stand out from the crowd and make your presence known is to make a personalized sign. Choose a funny phrase or pun that will make your friend smile as he or she runs past – the bigger the sign, the better. Try visiting to find an affordable and high-quality printing service. At Printmoz, you'll be able to print a large vinyl banner that's sturdy and eye-catching. Your friend will love the extra effort you put into the sign.
2. Plan your viewing location or locations.
Most experienced viewers will tell you that you need to plan your own route during the marathon. You'll feel slightly disappointed if you only catch one glimpse of your friend during the whole race. We recommend starting a few miles after the starting line, and then planning a few other locations to wait and watch before you head to the finish line. This way, your friend will receive continued support throughout the race, rather than just once at the beginning or end.
3. Do's and don'ts of yelling
Most spectators love screaming out encouragement to their brave friends on the course. It's important that you think carefully about what you'll scream, or you might end up accidentally being unhelpful. Try to choose a few encouraging, funny phrases to yell, but avoid saying things like, “You're almost there,” unless your friend is really near the finish line. False hope can be difficult for runners when they are exhausted, and you might make it more difficult for them to finish the race.
4. Bring fuel for yourself and your friend.
Marathons last a long time. Remember to pack some provisions for both you and your friend. You’ll need basics, while your friend may need some specific energy drinks or snacks. Ask your friend if they have any preferences when it comes to mid-race snacks. If not, bring along some bottled water, some energy drinks, and some protein bars.
5. Have a plan for the finish line.
Many viewers make the mistake of having no plan for the finish line. If you have a fun surprise waiting for them at the end of the race, it will make the moment even more special. Give them a gift or a surprise when they finally cross the line. You may even want to head home for a few quiet drinks – after a shower and a stretch, of course.