Conference calls are often a part of business life. They are essential to many companies’ workflows—without them, communication is severely limited, and nothing gets accomplished.
Similar to in-person meetings; however, conference calls can be overdone. They are not particularly well known for being exciting events that people look forward to. If you are a manager or call organizer and are wondering why no one is paying attention during your virtual meetings, think of all the calls you participated in. What about those experiences allowed your mind to drift away?
It is now your task to remedy those flaws with your own calls. Odds are your colleagues or employees would rather attend a conference call than an in-person meeting, but you still need to respect their time and make the session worthwhile. Here are a few reasons why no one is paying attention during your conference calls:
The call is unnecessary
Before you schedule a call, ask yourself: is this call even necessary? You might have important information to convey, but if it can be done with a quick email, then go that route instead. Why make people put aside fifteen minutes of their day when they can read it at their earliest convenience (and you know it’s likely to be fifteen minutes accounting for the time it takes to get started and everyone online).
The call is boring
Can you think of one of the primary reasons why no one listens to conference calls in general? They’re boring. People drawl on about subjects that no one is really interested in and in a matter that makes it even duller. In 2014, Harvard Business Review conducted a study about what people do when—or while they are supposed to be on—conference calls. Sixty-five percent of respondents said they did other work; an overlapping 63 percent said that they sent emails, 55 confessed to making food, 47 percent even admitted to using the restroom, and so on. Some activities, like exercising and cooking, are harder to get away with now that video calls are becoming increasingly popular, but many people still check social media and shop online.
People did not just multitask, though—40 percent of respondents also said that they left a call without a word so that no one would notice, and thus everyone would think they’re still on. Twenty-seven percent noted that they have fallen asleep. The point is that people find conference calls to be a waste of their time, whether it’s due to boredom or lack of necessity.
Captivating people’s attention means you need to be engaging. Be animated when you present. Let everyone know that even if they don’t want to be there, you are excited about it, and you are eager to discuss the matter at hand. Participants will have a much easier time listening to and watching someone who is passionate about the material.
Use your hands when you talk. Smile often. Address people by name. Speak confidently and avoid filler phrases. Use visual aids—call takers will have an easier time paying attention if they have something to look at as well.
The technology is causing problems
Faulty technology, or failure to understand said technology, can derail a meeting instantly. A participant might be listening to you attentively, but as soon as your microphone fizzles out and there is no immediate fix, their mind will understandably go elsewhere. Technical difficulties at the beginning of a meeting can set the tone for the rest of the session, and everyone is grumpy because you didn’t ensure that everything was working correctly beforehand.
Your air of authority takes a hit when technical difficulties make it seem like you do not know what you are doing. If you want to sound knowledgeable and engaging instead of flustered, then make sure you are positive the meeting will get off to a good start. Using a specialized conference calling service can take care of many technical issues before they arise.
The meeting is too long
And of course, a major reason why no one is paying attention during your conference calls is that they are too long. Does the meeting really need to be an hour? Have people gone off on tangents unrelated to the call’s purpose, consuming valuable time? Not only is it disrespectful to make people stay online longer than intended, but you can also only hold everyone’s interest for so long. Don’t schedule long meetings and do your best to keep them on track.
A tip for saving time: arrive prepared. Don’t depend on colleagues to pick up the slack if you don’t have something to say. Come with a loose script of what you want to communicate and stick to it.
Conference calls can be dull. Many people have experienced them. If you want yours to be different, then make sure everyone has more than one reason to stay online. How do you usually try to hold people’s attention?