As an infamous, strapping young lad from Winterfell would repeatedly say throughout Game of Thrones, “Winter is coming.” That's right, soon the cool, crisp autumnal days when leaves change color and pumpkin spices fill the city streets will be over and we'll be trudging into winter. The days will become shorter and shorter, and temperatures will drop, and you'll be rushing to your wardrobe to don your finest snowy white jackets. The fact is, it's high time to start preparing for the fast-approaching winter cold. So, here are some tips we've pulled together that will ensure you're all set to battle any cold or flu just like the champion you are.
Stock up on your meds.
With the dawn of the cold winter days comes the increased risk of contracting the flu or other unpleasant viral infections. You're already dealing with enough stress as it is thanks to the Coronavirus disease. So, at the very least eliminate any worries you might have about coming down with the common cold, flu, or a sinus infection by stocking up on some essential meds. Products such as vitamins, pain relief medications, throat lozenges, sinus pressure tablets, and even Azithromycin for eliminating bacterial infections should all be in your cabinet ready for potential use. With all that being said, Azithromycin does clock in as one of the more expensive prescription antibiotics. Thankfully, you'll be able to make it a bit more affordable by using USArx to buy azithromycin. The prescription Rx card helps people effectively save money on their drug costs by offering a wealth of different coupons.
Fortify your home against rodents and pests.
Perhaps one of the best parts about spring, summer, and even a bit of fall is that the weather usually doesn't attract rodents and pests. Instead, these unwelcomed creatures are often compelled to aggressively seek shelter in the cozy confines of your home. The thing about this is, as soon as the weather gets colder, and rain and snow starts falling from the sky, rodents and pests start fleeing from that harsh weather conditions just like you do. So it's important not to give them easy access to your home. It's essential to seal cracks and holes on the outside of your house as well as getting rid of any moisture sites which include leaking pipes and clogged drains. These are nothing but fantasy lands for the cockroaches of the world. You're already having a hard enough time due to Covid-19, don't give yourself another reason to curse 2020 for being an apocalyptic nightmare. You definitely don't want to be sharing your quarantine cave with any cockroaches that were able to weasel their way into your home.
Assess your mental health and develop an action plan.
The cold and dark winter months are notorious for sapping people's optimism and positivity. We're only human after all. Keeping a sunny outlook on the state of the world is tougher than ever. So, ready yourself for whatever this winter is about to throw at you by developing an action plan in order to promote your wellbeing. Things to include on that plan that are proven to be quite effective for sustaining positivity are having an exercise routine, meditating, eating well, and ensuring that you keep a solid boundary between work and home life. That last one is more important than ever, with so many of us being forced to bring work into our home environment.