When you are planting a flower garden it is important to know what kind of flowers you like. There are many various colors and scents as well as reasons for planting. Some people plant for the butterflies while others plant to have beautiful bouquets.
Bulb plants are a very popular option when looking for floral options. They can often grow in certain climates and it is important to look at what your choice states. However, there are ways around this. If you choose bulbs that grow in your area, such as the Ranunculus bulb, you need to plant them in the fall. This is an easy process and you should plant more than one bulb in each hole to have them fill in the area nicely.
Choose your bulb
When you go to choose your Ranunculus bulbs you need to ensure you are choosing healthy bulbs. They should not be rotting and should be nice and big. The bigger the bulb the more it will bloom. Be sure to feel them and ensure they are not mushy or rotting in any way. And, look at the bulb for any sign of mold. These are bulbs you want to avoid as they most likely will not mature into a plant. This is the same no matter what your climate or where you live. You can check out sites like https://www.brecks.com/category/ranunculus to ensure you are getting healthy bulbs.
Choose a planting spot
Next, you need to choose the right planting spot and time. This can be tricky for some folks that are in the colder climates. Ranunculus bulbs like the warmer climates, however, there are ways around this. You can plant the bulbs in containers and have container gardens. This is an easy fix and can be quite nice. You need a container that has proper drainage so the bulbs do not get too wet. You can put a few bulbs into each container around 4 inches deep.
Another solution is not to plant them in the fall but waits until early spring. Yes, bulbs in the warmer climates should be planted in the late fall. When planting be sure to choose a nice sunny location with plenty of drainage. These are similar to any bulb that needs to be planted but not watered in the fall. The excessive moisture could make the bulbs rot. In the colder climates, they will need to be planted in the spring, after the risk of frost is gone. These Ranunculus bulbs do not endure the cold well and if you live in an area where the temperatures dip far into the freezing levels.
Another option you have in the cooler zones is to plant them inside in containers and let them start the growing process. Once the frost has passed and it looks to be free from frost, you can plant the plants into the ground. It takes approximately 90 days from planting this way to see blooms. So, plan accordingly and you could have beautiful flowers all summer!
If you are in the warmer zones and plante in the fall you should expect to see the fruits of your labor mid-summer.
The last step in planting your Ranunculus bulbs is enjoying the fruit of your labor.