There are a lot of different types of insurance out there, and many of them can be very prudent investments. Every type of insurance coverage has its own unique characteristics, but one of the most unusual is life insurance. Life insurance is designed to pay out when you pass away — which, while inevitable, can be an uncomfortable thing to think about.
Life insurance is designed to pay out after you pass away to cover expenses associated with death and the loss of income to your family. When you sign up for a policy, you’ll be responsible for a regular premium. If you ever stop paying that premium, your coverage will lapse — and you won’t be able to get any of your old premiums back. That profit allows the life insurance companies to stay solvent while still paying out awards to the beneficiaries of those who pass away.
By definition, buying life insurance means paying into a policy that you will not personally benefit from. But getting life insurance at can be among the best decisions you ever make. Here’s why you should consider getting a policy.
In case you die young
Let’s start with the obvious case for life insurance. Life insurance is as its most cost-effective in the grim situation that you die young. You’d prefer not to check out early, of course, but what would happen if you did? It would likely leave your family in a very bad spot. The death of a loved one isn’t just traumatic — it’s also shockingly expensive. And if you die young, your family might not have the savings to cover all of the costs associated with your death — much less hold onto the house, pay the bills, and so on. If you’re the primary breadwinner in your family, it becomes even more essential to have a life insurance policy to protect them. If you have a policy that pays out after you pass, your family will have fewer financial worries during a very difficult time.
As an investment
Working hard and saving carefully will get you far. But, as any financial advisor will tell you, the best way to build wealth is to invest. You want to get assets that grow in value over time and find ways to make a passive income.
Stocks and bonds are the obvious place to start, but a life insurance policy can be a form of investment in the future of your estate and your family. It’s very possible for the payout that your beneficiaries get from your life insurance policy to be larger than the amount of cash you paid in premiums over the years, meaning that the policy could be seen as a long-term investment.
You might be able to use it before you die
Life insurance policies pay out after you die — that’s the point. However, you may find yourself near the end of your life without much cash on hand looking for options to make ends meet. You’ll be happy to learn that you can liquidate your insurance policy.
So, you ask, how do I go about selling my life insurance? You need to turn to a company that specializes in what are called viatical settlements. Under the terms of a viatical settlement, you sell your future life insurance payout for cash payment today. You’ll sell it at a discount, but that will provide you immediate income to pay for things like medical bills (an all-too-common problem in our country, unfortunately). Selling a life insurance policy could allow you a bit more freedom and flexibility as far as your finances are concerned later in life. It’s just one more reason to consider getting a policy today.