To live a congruent life simply means to be living in space that you have consciously created for yourself. A space that serves a great purpose and acts as the foundation upon which you manifest excellence into your life. This is a space where you've taken delicate care to tend to, always making sure it's neat, tidy, ever-expanding and in alignment with what makes you feel most alive.
If you are sitting there asking yourself if you even have such a space, don't worry, you are not alone. In fact, most of us don't consciously take the time to give ourselves one moment of relaxation at the end of a full day. Somewhere along the line, it's as if new software was installed in the psyches that told us life always had to be hard; and that if it wasn't, then we were doing something wrong.
Often times, along with such core beliefs that have taken root deep within us, other beliefs that don't always serve us start to form and grow as well. We might believe that only when we struggle do we deserve happiness; that it must always come with a price. Or even worse, that we are unworthy of happiness (or love) at all.
And perhaps that is the key to it all…which reminds me of every old 50's romance tune…love is all you need, right? But is that enough? Well, yes…and no. See, love in and of itself is not out for itself. It just IS. And perhaps that is it's the greatest lesson to soak in from dancing on the edge of it's madness to falling into it's most frightening and dark depths of another human soul. But there must be consciousness behind the love for it to have meaning. Meaning, we as our awesome human selves, determine the level at which we can experience love, by the amount we are willing to give love, be vulnerable, and open to taking some indefinite leaps of faith.
Love leads us to some intense and scary places sometimes, and yet collectively we continue to innately know that to have love in our lives, is to have peace in our hearts. And that, I believe is the first step to true happiness, or what I like to call, “congruent living”.
From years of studying the connection between the heart and the mind, as well as the principles of Quantum Mechanics, I can comfortably say that anyone, no matter the race, gender, creed, nationality, etc. has the capability to manifest peace within their own hearts. Even in the direst of suffering, this noble act is not some mystic's tale. In fact, it is often within suffering itself that we are lead to the conscious awareness of the true amount of control we have over the quality of our lives; merely for the fact, we have control over the quality of our thoughts…
The first… would be that the consciousness must be present that the power to bring peace to one's heart resides within oneself. This can manifest in many different ways for many different people, but usually accompanies a major event of some kind ranging from a near-death drowning or car accident, or losing someone close to you. Getting a reminder that nothing is trivial and all we truly have is this moment is the quickest and shortest route to gaining this conscious awareness. But it doesn't have to be that serious all the time. And by that I mean, if you learn to listen to the subtle messages of the Universe, it will gently whisper in your ear instead of taking a proverbial 2×4 to your head when you choose to ignore it.
Once you can find peace within your own heart, you have just taken the “For Sale” sign off of that space I mentioned earlier on. You've allowed yourself to make perhaps one of the greatest investments in your overall health because now you have a “go-to”. Some people get to their space through breathing exercises, or simply taking a moment to close their eyes and imagine their favorite vacation beach spot or perhaps their own children's laughter.
And yet other people will think of loved ones or anything that ignites a sense of inner joy, gratitude, connection to the Source of life. Basically we are by-passing the logical brain often lead by the ego that convinces of we aren't worthy of stepping into these higher vibrational states of living.
The second way to master living a life of congruence would be to always be pushing yourself to step more and more into your greatness. Meaning, do more of what makes you feel alive, do what you're good at and what you enjoy sharing with others. This is true giving of yourself and of your gifts and the more you do it, the greater you expand your space. Think of it as an interior upgrade or like putting an addition onto the house. You will soon realize that it's not so much the “doing” but rather the “being” that allows it all to unfold. And it is not much a matter of will, but rather a matter of willingness to trust the Universe that brings forth ideas and thus ultimately creations into the material world.
The third and final masterful activity would include welcoming not only the “good” stuff but not avoiding the “bad”. To always see the lesson in the pain is true sight. To be able to view yourself and your life without judgment, but always with conscious movement towards embodying our most true selves, is “absolute” congruent living. To zoom out and see the greater whole rather than pin-pointing on bits and pieces of it, we can innately reconnect to our own inner grand vision; the one which reminds us we are connected to everything and everyone.
When you look at your life and see the balance amongst even what some might call “chaos”, is to have expanded your vision into the realm of “anything goes” when it comes to manifestation. Allowing yourself to be open to the opportunity for growth and expansion as your inner roots climb deep down into the dark, is what gives the fruits above the life-source to bloom and blossom. And as a favorite mentor of mine always says, “The deeper the roots, the sweeter the fruits.”
Have a most fruitful, congruent week everyone! <3
Tamara Rant is a Co-Editor/Writer for CLN as well as a Licensed Reiki Master, heart-centered Graphic Designer and a progressive voice in social media activism & awareness. She is an avid lover of all things Quantum Physics and Spirituality. Connect with Tamara by visiting Prana Paws/Healing Hearts Reiki or go to
Tamara posts new original articles to CLN every Saturday.
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This article was originally created and published by Conscious Life News and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Tamara Rant and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.