DNA, yes it is your blueprint. It is more than your eye color or height, but also a supreme quality we all possess. Divinity Naturally Awakened. A deep knowing that you (we) all are Divine. This ‘knowing’ unfolds in spontaneous and serendipitous ways as each of us walk this bejeweled planet. The ‘how’ is unique to each of us. The ‘why’ is simple, so we can express joy and unconditional love. The truth is this: striving to make a higher connection for your highest good triggers new synapsis’s in the brain and creates new pathways. Striving does this! The overall frequency of what is “you” is raised, beyond your conscious awareness.
Keep this important principle in mind. Faith preceding action equals results. Connecting the sacred (your set apart life) with science (something real that can be measured) with a formula works. It is the nuts and bolts of how we operate on this planet we call Earth. Find your formula and then work it. The results are an awakened state of being. Unconditional love is the byproduct: first for yourself, then for others. Crossing the line of mastery (unconditional love) becomes the beautiful world of non-judgment. This is a peaceful place that can be experienced even in the frailest of bodies or contemptuous of times. This peaceful place exists within us and it is the result of our DNA! I encourage you to let your Divinity awaken now. It is a natural state of being. Our busy minds get in the way of allowance, so practice quieting your mind.
Here are some things to keep in mind as you desire to live by faith and develop your awareness of your divinity.
The F Keys to quieting your mind and comforting your soul:
Feelings – Choose to feel good. Many times this option is the most difficult, but it is very important. Set an intention each night as you rest and each morning before you rise. Tonight, I will receive a good nights sleep and awaken refreshed in the morning. Today, I will allow my life to unfold for my highest good and not resist the process.
Fears – I will call on my angel(s), who desire my highest good, to assist me. I recognize that I am not alone and that my angel(s) are with me all the time. Your guardian angel is with you always, but other angels need to be requested to assist you. Always ask with your highest good in mind.
Fuel – I will fill up my mind with divine truths that support and encourage me. I will continue my practice of quieting my mind. I will continue to develop good habits that nurture my body.
Follow – I will follow my heart. I am divine and sovereign. I know this deep within. My past life choices do not define me. They now teach me as I continue on my path. I offer to myself unconditional love each day with this understanding: my heart will heal if it’s broken and wholeness is my birthright.

Julia Parsell is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor with an emphasis on the intersection of science and the sacred. She writes from experiences and transformative understandings that have led her to an authentic and peaceful life. She goes by these names: wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, and friend. As a home educator of her three children, she also developed/ran cafes, and maintained various leadership roles within her community. Her greatest desire is to encourage others to live life fully. Her passions are family, writing, and trail blazing. She is happily married in Western North Carolina. Please visit her blog here.
Fantastic article Julia! I really needed this!! Thank you!!! -Ross