At present, across the world, increased industrialization and intensive consumerism are depleting the earth’s resources at an alarming rate. Climate change, acid rain, the ozone hole are not just eco buzzwords, but real issues affecting the planet. And single use plastics play a key role in each of them.
While it’s hard to deny the important role plastic has had in revolutionizing most industries and making modern life possible, its complete permeation of every aspect of modern day life is causing the huge plastic crisis we are facing today.
Plastic is everywhere we look around, and in some form it’s required for most of our daily activities from the microchips in our computers to the clothes we are wearing. But while a lot of plastic can be recycled, most of it never makes its way to the recycling bin and instead ends up in landfills that pollute our waterways.
However, the tide is turning as more and more people are aware of the damage we are causing the planet, showing a growing interest in sustainable products and ethical practices of those they buy from. Luckily, from environmentally friendly materials and natural ingredients, to bulk food sans packaging and reusable containers there are many options today for people that are seeking out ways to make positive decisions about what they buy.
To help guide your shopping decisions, we put together a list of eco friendly products that will show you just how easy it is to replace some of the plastic products you buy, with ones that are not damaging the environment.
1. Organic Cotton Shopping Bags
Most of us are accustomed to using the plastic shopping bags we find in grocery stores, without giving a second thought to the impact we are causing the environment.
Why not turn your life unplastic by stocking your kitchen up with some high-quality shopping bags made of materials that don’t harm the environment during production, and don’t need to be discarded after each use. There’s a great selection of 100% organic cotton reusable shopping bags you can find online, comprising everything from produce and bulk food bags, to totes and bundles. Not to mention that a stylish organic cotton tote bag can be used for a lot more than carrying groceries. You can actually use it to complete your look, pack your lunch, carry snacks on a road trip, or for a day at the beach. Check out SOL + SPIRIT, a company run by Helen and Megan, a mother-daughter duo, where all products are sustainably made using solar and wind power, and donate a portion of profits to cleaning up the oceans.
2. Organic Cotton Clothing
It’s no secret anymore that the plastic fibers used to make most of our clothes are not only polluting the oceans, but are also incredibly toxic for wildlife and our health.
With polyester, nylon, acrylic, and other synthetic fibers representing 60 percent of the materials that make up our clothes worldwide, the best way to avoid contributing to the apparel pollution is by investing in organic cotton clothes. Unlike regular cotton which is one of the most used natural fibres, organic one requires significantly less water, is far less polluting, and helps combat climate change.
3. Sustainable, Natural And Organic Cosmetics
The concept of sustainability in the cosmetic sector is far from being just a trend. As consumers are increasingly more aware of products’ manufacturing and commercialization processes, products with natural ingredients, recyclable and that are not tested on animals are on the production agenda of all companies wishing to survive in the future.
Not only is investing in sustainable beauty helpful for the planet, it's also helpful for the skin and as consumers, we should do our part by supporting the brands that believe in green practices, reading labels carefully, and reusing packaging.