To have a clear mind, focus and peace are attributes most would clamber for. And it can be yours. #meditation
Read moreDetailsSome techniques that help you embrace mindfulness, such as meditation, may even change the body and mind, allowing us to live...
Read moreDetailsAnna Hunt shares some great ways to tap into the powerful, love energy that animates our entire universe. #cosmos #cosmicenergy
Read moreDetailsThis is a step-by-step guide to creating a successful meditation practice that will help you to feel more grounded and...
Read moreDetailsFeeling an urge to purge? Re-organize, de-clutter, and let some things go? It’s a normal sensation for this time of...
Read moreDetailsVipassana is an ancient meditative tradition from Theravada Buddhism. Modern teachers of Vipassana argue, as did its earliest progenitors, that...
Read moreDetailsAfter working with crystals for over 30 years, I have found that there are 7 basic crystals that pretty much...
Read moreDetailsThough the science is far from conclusive, it points to the likelihood that mindfulness meditation does lead to “prosocial” (kind...
Read moreDetailsA precise meditation program followed by a consistent self-practice can build on itself. In the study, researchers stated that participants...
Read moreDetailsBreathing is not just for oxygen; it’s now linked to brain function and behavior. Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered for...
Read moreDetailsIf you’re looking to establish some mindful habits for an elderly loved one, let’s learn what role this plays and...
Read moreDetailsBeing addicted to busy-ness is not a disease; it can be a simple choice. Know that if you choose to...
Read moreDetailsIn a Walking Meditation, the task is to become completely present. To let go of all thoughts and to simply...
Read moreDetailsResearchers also identified what they referred to as a “meditation effect,” whereby the regular meditators were found to have a...
Read moreDetailsThose who start meditating regularly see benefits in a short amount of time. Here are some of the key benefits...
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